a certain appreciation
a certain appreciation

“No man is an island" as the saying goes, and I'm grateful to all of the participants for warmly welcoming me into their world. Human interaction is a genuine, sincere gesture, and I wanted to portray the people exactly as they are, which is important to me. Even during our conversation, their spirit is evident.
My wonderful production team, who are as enthusiastic as I am about discovering the wonders of life alongside me.
Finally, but certainly not least, my wonderful family, who show me the better side of humanity, enabling me to be morally justified in doing what I love.
Peace to the world!
about anGie︎
Wonderful support from my
Production Team
Writer & editor
The Extending Archives Question
Publication & website designer
Production & fabrication
Sufian Samsiyar
Production assistants
Janson Seah & Mamak
Videographer & editor
Haffidz Razak & anGie seah
Wonderful support from Han Xuemei!
Sincere thanks to Calvin Pang, Vivian Wong & staff at Assisi Hospice day care centre, Lee Ming Hui & Jolene Lau from Care Corner Active Ageing Centre (TP62B)
Sincere Thanks to
Care Corner participants
Lim Bee Lam
Saat bin Amat &
Junaidah bte Zainol
Frankie Wang
Lai Yeow Kang
Chow Kum Yin
Wonderful participation from
Assisi Hospice participants
Teo Choon Mui
Som Binte Ninggal
Hiang Wai Kum Margaret
Looi Mui Mui
Kok Yoke San Katherine
In loving memory of Mdm Tai Swee Heng
About Care Corner Active Ageing Centre (TP62B)
Many seniors in Singapore experience the fear of ageing and the varied issues that accompany it when it comes to the ageing process. However, ageing does not have to be a terrifying experience. Here at Care Corner Active Ageing Centre, we strive to promote social support to the vulnerable seniors. Building a community and a communal space for the seniors to leave the four-walls of their home is a step towards preventing social isolation. The programmes in our Centre are designed to enhance their physical, social and cognitive well-being. Our focus is to improve the quality of our seniors’ living, with joy and dignity.
About Assisi Hospice
Assisi Hospice provides palliative care for patients & families that preserves their dignity & quality of life. Patients of any race, faith & financial position are cared for by our team of specialist doctors, nurses, allied health & pastoral care professionals. When faced with life limiting illnesses, our patients receive medical care, as well as psychosocial, emotional & spiritual care.
We provide care for patients across the continuum of Home Care, inpatient & Day Care. This allows patients & family members to journey with a clinical team they are familiar with, & to receive care in the way that they need. Our six-storey purpose-built hospice provides a homely ambience with cosy spaces for patients & their loved ones. With 85 inpatient beds, including specialised wards for Dementia Palliative Care & Paediatric Palliative Care, a Day Care Centre & the outreach of our Home Care team, we serve more than 2,600 patients a year.
Founded in 1969 by the Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood(FMDM), we are a charity supported by donors, volunteers & corporate organisations who journey with us in our cause.
Supported by
Open source typeface by
Velvetyne Type Foundry
My wonderful production team, who are as enthusiastic as I am about discovering the wonders of life alongside me.
Finally, but certainly not least, my wonderful family, who show me the better side of humanity, enabling me to be morally justified in doing what I love.
Peace to the world!
about anGie︎
Wonderful support from my
Production Team
Writer & editor
The Extending Archives Question
Publication & website designer
Production & fabrication
Sufian Samsiyar
Production assistants
Janson Seah & Mamak
Videographer & editor
Haffidz Razak & anGie seah
Wonderful support from Han Xuemei!
Sincere thanks to Calvin Pang, Vivian Wong & staff at Assisi Hospice day care centre, Lee Ming Hui & Jolene Lau from Care Corner Active Ageing Centre (TP62B)
Sincere Thanks to
Care Corner participants
Lim Bee Lam
Saat bin Amat &
Junaidah bte Zainol
Frankie Wang
Lai Yeow Kang
Chow Kum Yin

Wonderful participation from
Assisi Hospice participants
Teo Choon Mui
Som Binte Ninggal
Hiang Wai Kum Margaret
Looi Mui Mui
Kok Yoke San Katherine
In loving memory of Mdm Tai Swee Heng
About Care Corner Active Ageing Centre (TP62B)
Many seniors in Singapore experience the fear of ageing and the varied issues that accompany it when it comes to the ageing process. However, ageing does not have to be a terrifying experience. Here at Care Corner Active Ageing Centre, we strive to promote social support to the vulnerable seniors. Building a community and a communal space for the seniors to leave the four-walls of their home is a step towards preventing social isolation. The programmes in our Centre are designed to enhance their physical, social and cognitive well-being. Our focus is to improve the quality of our seniors’ living, with joy and dignity.
About Assisi Hospice
Assisi Hospice provides palliative care for patients & families that preserves their dignity & quality of life. Patients of any race, faith & financial position are cared for by our team of specialist doctors, nurses, allied health & pastoral care professionals. When faced with life limiting illnesses, our patients receive medical care, as well as psychosocial, emotional & spiritual care.
We provide care for patients across the continuum of Home Care, inpatient & Day Care. This allows patients & family members to journey with a clinical team they are familiar with, & to receive care in the way that they need. Our six-storey purpose-built hospice provides a homely ambience with cosy spaces for patients & their loved ones. With 85 inpatient beds, including specialised wards for Dementia Palliative Care & Paediatric Palliative Care, a Day Care Centre & the outreach of our Home Care team, we serve more than 2,600 patients a year.
Founded in 1969 by the Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood(FMDM), we are a charity supported by donors, volunteers & corporate organisations who journey with us in our cause.
Supported by

Open source typeface by
Velvetyne Type Foundry